I was contemplating getting a full frame camera for quite some time, but I just couldn’t justify the expense. And I did – and still do love – my Nikon D3300, which was my first DSLR, which I bought back in 2017.

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to buy a second hand D750, I stumbled on an ad for a used Z5 with an FTZ adapter, which I decided to buy. Interestingly enough, this was not going to be my first mirrorless camera; I had a couple before that – and I really loved my Konica-Minolta Z3 – it was a beast when it came out.

I got my trusty Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 G to test the body at the courier’s office and was quite grateful for my test subject.

Courier's Office Employee
Courier's Office Employee
Courier's Office Employee

Quite spectacular sensor performance, even with the previous gentleman’s camera settings. In fact, the camera was set up, both, for back button focusing and shutter button focusing – very peculiar!

In the period of ten days, between getting my new old Z5 and starting this blog, I’ve already amassed several hundred photos, which I’m certain you will enjoy in the upcoming posts.

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